21 Weeks

A new week and a new symptom: vertigo. And not just ‘I feel dizzy when I stand up’ but more like ‘the room is spinning out of control and I’m either going to vomit or pass out’ kind of thing. Oh, and another virus has attacked our household. So I have that to look forward to as well.  I feel like everything after April this year has been a bit of a right-off. It’s been three plus months of intense morning sickness, looking after sick kids, getting infected from sick kids, feeling like things are starting to looking up, then succumbing to another virus (repeat). I’m extremely jealous of those gorgeous, glowing, gracious mothers-to-be at the moment. And on the other hand I’m feeling horrible for not being more appreciative of this incredible journey. However, I find comfort in obsessing over cute baby clothes, feeling little kicks and imagining the little person that will be joining our family next year. Better days are ahead, I’m sure.

This week’s baby name suggestions from Fox: Fruit Salad, Mummy 2 and Curtain Rod.

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  1. You are not alone! I am just about 17 weeks and am flat out angry that I'm still sick! Totally jealous of those glowing ladies who feel normal!! You got this Mama!!

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