Welcoming Baby Bear

BABY BEAR: You were due to be induced on the 23rd of January at 2pm. I had spent two weeks trying every single natural way to go into labour that google could throw at me, not being overly anxious for a medical induction. But I had given up. Nothing worked, and quite frankly, I was growing tired of eating pineapple. The fact that your brother and sister were almost two weeks overdue didn’t exactly fill me with confidence either. So I resigned myself to an induction. It was a sun-filled Sunday and I spent the morning waddling around a local market with your grandmother and aunt. I ignored the constant, mild back pain. I had being getting intermittent aches and pains for weeks now and I knew better than to get my hopes up. I returned home with my market bargain–a box of vintage baby clothes–and we all had lunch together before your brother and sister hoped in Nanny’s car and headed to the park. As soon as the car disappeared down the road I felt a gush of fluid. Convinced I had just peed myself (third baby and all) I rolled my eyes and headed to the toilet. But it just kept coming. It took me a moment to realise what was happening. When it hit me I felt simultaneously both a flood of relief and terror. After a quick call to the midwife we grabbed my bag and headed to the hospital. I had a history of quick labours so there was no time to stand around and get used to the idea that you were finally coming. When we arrived at the hospital (around half an hour after my waters broke) I started having short, mildish contractions. An hour and a half later, after two all-mighty, get-this-thing-out-of-me pushes, there you were. Just like that. My perfect, tiny baby bear.
Welcome to the family Jude Alexander.

Just Gorgeous, congratulations
I love his name!! Well done, mama!
Congratulations !
Congratulations! Jude is such a perfect name xx