Childhood Unplugged: September

I haven’t been well enough to take the kids on any grand adventures lately, but on good days I take them for an afternoon walk around the block. Other days I just sit and watch them ride their bikes. On really good days I manage both. I like this set of pictures because this is us, exactly how we are. Fox with his ever-present Milo or Vegemite smear on this face. Lamb with her irrational fear of tiny dogs and the proud way she rides her bike without training wheels. And, of course, wall walking. The day they pass a small, brick wall without the irrepressible impulse to walk along it will be a very sad day indeed. I hate that day already.

I’m always blown away by the talent in the Childhood Unplugged group, be sure to check it out.
I've been following your blog for quite a while now (always stunning images), but I just had one of those moments where I went "Woah"? When did your girls get so tall? Photo standing near the tree. Off to look at the rest of CU pics now. xo
I know, right? What happened? She just shot up overnight.
🙂 Cheeky kids do that to us all the time. Beautiful babies you have.