Mother’s Day 2016

Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother's Day 2016
Mother’s Day 2016
I totally suck when it comes to writing about my feelings. So instead I will quote my favourite band, Iron and Wine. This is from a song I’ve come to refer to as my ‘Fox song’. It’s one of those songs that makes you feel like the lyricist has somehow been inside your mind, plucked out a thought or feeling and magically transformed it into words. OK, so it’s not the most profound, poetic masterpiece ever written. Far from it. But in a way that’s why its so perfect.
Also, am I the only weirdo that has assigned songs to their children? I’ve always wondered. 

This song is aptly named ‘Joy’


Deep inside the heart of this troubled man
There’s an itty bitty boy tugging hard at your hand
Born bitter as a lemon but you must understand
That you’ve been bringing me joy


And I’ll only lie when you don’t want the truth
I’m only frightened cause you finally gave me something to lose
And it’s as loud as a thunderclap and you hear it, too
But you’ve been bringing me joy

Deep inside the heart of this crazy mess
I’m only calm when I get lost within your wilderness
Born crooked as a creek bed and come to confess
That you’ve been bringing me joy

When I’m alive I’m living for you
Another blue bird dying but singing the blues
And it’s a heartfelt silly sort of bumbling tune
About how you’re bringing me joy

And in case you’re interested, you can listen to it here.


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  1. "I'm only frightened cause you gave me something to lose" I smile and I want to cry. Listening to the song right now. It's beautiful. It's also the first time I see the face behind the lens of all these pretty pretty photos. It's like a gift from you to us and it's beautiful, too. You are. Thank you for sharing, so much. For inspiring, so deeply. For making the internet a little (a lot!) prettier, everyday.

  2. i love this. and feel this so deep in my own motherhood.
    pat, where do you get all those outstanding children clothes? do you make them yourself? i am more than in love.

  3. My dress and Lamb's dress are from Son De Flor and they really are as beautiful as they look in the pictures. Fox's jumpsuit is from Saxon and Sunra and his cute little hat is from Hide and Cotton. I really wish I could make my own clothes but I suck, SUCK with a sewing machine.

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