Childhood Unplugged

Childhood Unplugged
With everything going on lately, Lamb going to big school and my mother-in-law’s stroke, it feels like aeons since we’ve had a beach adventure like the carefree days of old. Seaside frolics were once a daily occurrence (if not daily, at least weekly). On Saturday afternoon after the children had finished their dinner we made a spare-of-the-moment decision to go to the rock pools. We piled into the car and raced against the setting sun to get there just in time to enjoy the last few minutes of daylight (hence I only manged to take a few photos). I held my breath as Fox clumsily made his way over jagged rocks in the oversized gumboots he had been wearing since he got them for his birthday three weeks ago. The children threw rocks into the water. Then we all sat together and watched the first few stars come out before mosquitoes forced us to make a hasty retreat. We stopped at the local supermarket on the way home for ice-cream and my husband jokingly said, “Another exciting Saturday night out with the family,” to which I replied, in all sincerity, “I wouldn’t have it any other way”.
I love this, so much !
I love it! You are the best Mumma! For real!xx
Amazing! Do your kids look that great with such beautiful outfit 24/7 ? I mean I feel like if I had to rush out of the house to catch the last ray of sun at the beach we would all be leaving half naked with stain all over my boy's-second-hand-shirt! haha. I am so impressed and love love love those few shots, the light, the faces, the colors, everything, especially that last one with both of them…so good! xx
Haha, I must admit, they do wear nice outfits most of the time. We are very, very lucky in that we get all sorts of beautiful clothing sent to us. But they take off their clothes before dinner, especially if it's something messy like spaghetti. It's the downside of having nice things, I'm constantly paranoid about them getting stains all over themselves – which happens anyway, no matter how vigilant I am.
Thanks Amber, that's very kind of you.
Thank you!