Drop Off

FOX: After dropping your sister off at school and after telling you again that you couldn’t go into the classroom and play with that big, red firetruck you spied the day before, you decided that instead you would walk along EVERY seat in the playground. We were late for a coffee date and I halfheartedly tried to hurry you along but your cute determination was too endearing. A little frustrating, but endearing nonetheless. Since your sister started school I’ve been holding you a little closer, soaking in every ounce of you. One day you’ll be back in this playground but it’ll be your playground. And I’m just thankful that, for now at least, I have you all to myself.


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  1. Gosh, this is so nostalgic of my childhood (although I'm not too old yet haha; I've recently just started school again too after the holidays!). I love your photography – it's both gorgeous and adorable 🙂

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