
1. My portrait | 2. Lamb’s portrait
I spent all day today doing laundry. Sorting, hanging, more sorting, folding, putting away – repeat. From dawn till dusk. So it seemed only fitting that this week’s portraits be taken in front of drying sheets. I have a similar portrait of Fox in front of these same sheets, taken when he was about one. I’ve managed so far to resist finding it and comparing the two. I need a little more time to recover from the trauma of sending my biggest baby off to school. One heartache at a time.
Lamb’s approach to photo taking so far has been to point the camera in Fox’s general direction and just leave her finger on the shutter button. I once suggested that she try different angles. So now she does the same thing but rotates the camera as well. Today I suggested that she stop and take a good look at what’s in her viewfinder before pressing the button. I also decided to take the camera off continuous shooting mode. Something I perhaps should have done from the start. I’ve tried my best not to intervene or give her directions. But, when I load my memory card at the end of the day only to have to trawl through hundreds of photos of the same thing (albeit from lots of different and unique angles), well it can become a little tedious.
I love this one though! And you have to take pictures to learn what works. It's a great combo!
Oh I love them both but I'm with you on the multiple shots of exactly the same thing – they don't all need to go onto the computer's memory!