Twenty Thirteen

Boy, what a year. What. A. Year. Two thousand and thirteen: the year my son was born and without a shadow of a doubt the busiest, most spectacular year of my life. I can still remember, on this very same day one year ago, standing, swollen-bellied, watching Lamb bounce on the bed and taking the very first photo. I didn’t really believe that I had it in me to continue this project to the very end. I thought I’d be lucky to last a month or two. But I did it, and proved myself wrong.

One thing I never expected was that other people would take an interest in this humble little blog of mine. I was (and continue to be) astounded by the number of beautiful, kind, generous people out there. So, thank you for taking part in our journey and for all your kind comments and support over the year.

Most of all I’d like to thank my children for putting up with mummy sticking various cameras in their faces every single day. And last but certainly not least, my adoring, supportive husband. I’m sure there were many occasions when he felt like breaking my camera in half (if that is even possible) but he was always willing to help me out or to wait patiently while I ‘got the shot’.

Here are a few ( well…. a hundred ) of my favourite images from the last year:

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  1. I can't comprehend how much beauty and joy you have been able to capture over the last year. Your family is beautiful and so is the passion and love you possess for your little humans.

    Thank you for sharing this remarkable series. It has been a complete pleasure to follow on in your journey

    Samantha //

  2. I loved following your posts everyday. Your creativity and artistic approach is inspiring, to say the least. Your beautiful kids make viewing your photos even more pleasurable! I will miss your "photo a day" but I am sure (well, at least I hope) you will still be posting frequently!!

  3. So many times this year I have just been completely awestruck by what you have come up with. You have such a strong artistic identity which you just keep expanding the reaches of. I really want to thank you for being a massive inspiration over the past year. This year will be even bigger I am sure.xxxxxxxx

  4. This post is lovely – it was great to have a look back through all the pictures captured over the last joy. This blog is pure joy and I'm so glad I found it. You've made me want my own little kids even more so I can aspire to take precious shots of them like you have!

    Thank you for sharing your family with us. You are no doubt my favourite blog on the internet and I can't wait to see what you post in 2014 🙂

  5. I often felt bad for everyone else taking part in Jodi's 52 Project (myself included!) that, week after week after week, your shots were breath taking. Every time. You have got it, whatever 'it' is. Your shots are so unique and always inspiring. Keep in sharing, please 🙂

  6. I found your blog in the middle of last year and you can say I am obsessed love every picture you take literally one of my favorite blogs to follow I cannot wait to see what you do in 2014!

  7. From the start to the finish of your project I have been inspired by your images and your dedication and commitment to 365. To do all that you have done within this huge collection of images (so many breathtaking moments!) AND have a newborn in the middle of it all – well that is no easy feat! Congratulations of getting to the end but most of all well done on capturing so many treasured, gorgeous moments. xx

  8. Hi Manda, I use a Nikon D7000 (but I'm hoping 2014 will bring me a better camera….. somehow). I do do a lot of post-production but I'm a perfectionist, so I can easily spend an hour 'fine tuning' a photo and have it end up looking not that much different from the original.

  9. Thank you so much, Amber. I have to admit it was difficult, especially around the time Fox was born, and there were many, MANY moments when I felt like giving up. But I did it! Well… minus about 10 or so days, but who's counting.

  10. Haha. Thank you so much for your lovely comment. I really enjoyed following along with everyone else last year, there is some amazing talent out there, and some amazingly cute kids too!!

  11. Thank you so much Corrie Heisey with a 'y' (it actually makes more sense to spell it with a 'y', it's easier to know how to pronounce it). I'm so glad I found your photography last year, you are amazing!

  12. I found you via Stacey Montgomerys website…so glad i did. Ive visited a few times just to oogle your photos! 🙂 your children are beautiful. Your work is amazing and inspiring. I am in awe. Ill visit again I am sure!

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