May 2021

May was hard. In fact, May wasn’t just hard, May was traumatic. Sometimes everything just seems to hit at once. And just when you are starting to get back up, something else comes along to knock you over. A series of personal family events and financial issues left me feeling teary, helpless, overwhelmed and exhausted. And then, on the very last day of May my beloved grandmother passed away. So here I am, in June, still dealing with the aftershocks coming at me from last month and wondering if I’ll ever find my feet again.
Suffice it to say, May wasn’t a prolific photo-taking month. But looking at the few photos I managed to take reminds me it wasn’t all bad. If fact, there were a few pretty decent days sprinkled in there. There were beach adventures, an impromptu day trip to the Sydney Aquarium and many frosty evenings sitting around the fire (perhaps my favourite thing of all). Sometimes I wonder why I take so many photos, why I feel the need to document every tiny little thing. But right now, I’m actually grateful that I do. If I hadn’t documented these moments they would have been forgotten, swallowed up by the difficult events sounding them.