Summer Adventures 7

I realised the other day that it’s almost time for Lamb to go back to school. How is that possible? All the things we were going to do, all the things I had unofficially planned (in my usually unorganised, haphazard way)? We didn’t get to do half of them. Part of the reason I didn’t set any plans in stone is so there would be more room for spontaneity. The best memories always come from our spare-of-the-moment whims. But the one thing I really did want to do these holidays is to take the kids to the museum. I was determined to make it to the museum. If nothing else I was going to at least achieve that.

Fox’s favourite part of the museum: The dinosaurs.

Lambs favourite part of the museum: The butterflies. Later, after some reflection, she revised her answer to ‘eating food’.

Australian Museum
Australian Museum
Australian Museum
Australian Museum
Australian Museum
Australian Museum
Australian Museum
Australian Museum
Australian Museum
Australian Museum
Australian Museum
Australian Museum
Australian Museum
Australian Museum
Australian Museum

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