
LAMB: My long limbed lunatic. You love almost nothing more than going to the beach and I’m glad your beautiful Mediterranean skin can handle a bit of sun. You paddle in the sea and explore rock pools with your daddy while your brother and I hide under a tree. If we stay long enough the sun dips down behind the hill, luring me out of the shadows. This is my favourite time of day.  If I’m feeling brave I play with you in the shallow water and risk bumping a giant stingray the locals call George.  You are much more sensible and level-headed than me and aren’t the least bit afraid of George. The other day you suggested that I should come with you to ‘meet’ him so that I wouldn’t be afraid of him anymore. I’m glad you didn’t inherit my over sensitive temperament.

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  1. You are so funny! I love how children don’t feel they need to inherit all fears. My three run to squash cockroaches while I stand cowering in the corner!
    Lamb as usual is so wonderfully dressed. I love the goldfish top.

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