
FOX: My funny, ceiling obsessed little man. I have a feeling you have become too big for your little Moses basket. I have been putting off the transition from basket to cot for as long as possible. You grew out of your basket some time ago, but It’s just too convenient to have you in there. I love being able to carry you from room to room when you’re asleep. I love having you right next to my bed at night, to be able to give you a feed in the wee hours of the morning without getting up. But the biggest thing for me is not wanting to acknowledge how fast you are growing up. Your basket is one of the first things I bought when I found out I was pregnant with you, I can’t remember the number of times I looked at it throughout my pregnancy and imagined you in there. The first time I put you in it you looked so small and fragile, now your a rolly-polly bundle of delectable chubbiness. Where on earth did that time go?

Time flys when your having fun!