
LAMB: Today we went for a lazy Sunday drive through the countryside and ended up at a small town market. We purchased some flowers, a sourdough baguette and a bag of locally grown limes then sat down to tea (courtesy of the Country Women’s Association) before heading home. The ladies serving tea were so taken with you that they gave you some local mandarins, which you devoured promptly – mandarins are undoubtedly your favourite fruit. But for you the highlight of the trip by far, was stopping to feed some friendly horses on our way back. I love that the simplest things give you the greatest pleasure.

I look forward to little day trips like these when I have kids. And spending one on one time when you have more than one child is so important.
Quenby Sheree
So i've been sitting here for the best part of an hour admiring your photography (so beautiful, as always) and what do you know, this is the exact hall that my brother and sister in law married in just last month! It's a golden old gem!
xo em