
FOX: I had some time alone with you this afternoon. A rare treat. I spent most of it pinching your chubby little legs and kissing your chubby cheeks. I even had you in hysterics at one point by making silly sounds and pretending to eat your tummy. I know I will miss these times when you are older. When you are Lambs age and you are too busy to lie with me and have cuddles or, god forbid, when you are a teenager and don’t even want to know me at all. So I try to make the most of it while I can.

awe, he is so sweet!
Your words are beautiful. I don't have kids of my own yet but when I do I'm going to make sure I spend time with them like you do. It is so important.
I also hope they will be as cute as yours 🙂 hehe
I won't lie, It's difficult to find time. But you're right, it's so important. I often forgo housework so that I can spend time with them. But you should see my house – urgh!
He's a bit cute. Especially when he is not screaming or throwing up on me.