LAMB: I spied this floral wrapping paper at our local shops and thought It would make a nice backdrop for a photo. Unfortunately, you weren’t in the mood for taking directions today (much the same as every other day) and one of the only ways I could get you to stay still in front of it was to get Daddy to swing you upside-down.

It’s always hard for me to pick a favourite from last weeks 52 project but I just couldn’t go past this one from Malt Memories – while your there check out her other photographs, they are amazing.

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  1. oh such beauty!! these really are stunning photos and your girl is sublime. i agree with ruby 🙂 and love patterned backdrops…love how it picks out lamb's pretty eyes and lips…fun! x

  2. love that upside down shot (in fact love all your photos) i almost posted a similar one for this week in the 52 project it's so very hard to choose one picture for every week – i think you had the right idea doing one a day

  3. I just love your photos this week. Just blown away y your colours and definition. I've linked to you this week. Good luck with your imminent baby arrival. xx Deb

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