FOX: After all this time with your head in the right position ready to go, I rock up to my midwife appointment today only to find that overnight you have decided that you are much more comfortable in the breach position. 3 days before my due date. We now have a c-section booked for Monday and while I’m excited to finally meet you I’m also deeply disappointed that I won’t be able to cuddle and take care of you right away. I’m secretly holding on to the hope that you turn around again but the doctors seem pessimistic about the chances of that happening. So if all goes according to plan it seems you will be born on April Fool’s Day – some one obviously has a sense of humor about it.

I was 38weeks and he turned breach the night before my induction was meant to start then turned back around that night so i had a natural birth.
I am sure it will all work out for the best. Good Luck..
Ps I adore your blog, I love the way you take photographs – just Magical x
Wishing you a safe surgery and recovery. Just a few more days until your little Fox is here – exciting 🙂
I'm a new reader of yours, and am looking forward to following along on your families new journey. I, too, am also expecting (currently 5 months).
Oh really thinking of you. Soooooo exciting!! And I am really looking forward to your pictures of Fox. Have a wonderful one, however it happens. xxxx
sending some positive turning thoughts your way. i know babies can turn multiple times before, and even during, labor. i hope that little one gets the memo that mama wants to go natural here!
All the best =)
Oh, what a blow! Hope you're ok and how exciting that you'll meet the little man on Monday! Best of luck. Kellie xx
I hope you are able to rest a feel better for your big weekend ahead. Sending love and happy thoughts to you and your family.
Love Bella xx
Oh that is a blow 🙁 I understand all too well as I've had three c-sections and am only 18 days past my last one. They aren't fun but the beautiful baby you end up with makes it worthwhile and I was happy never to go through labour again. A scheduled c-section can be such a peaceful way to enter the world.
If you do end up having one, my advice is don't be brave with taking the pain killers. Take them as you need them and by 2 weeks you won't need them at all. Also, take lots of Metamucil or Movicol. The constipation is a killer if not managed.
Hopefully all will be ok – my last boy was breech until 34 weeks then turned. I know you're full term now so we'll see what he does. All the very best – can't wait to see your baby boy!
I have had one baby each way, and while I did want to give birth naturally with my son, as I had my daughter, after being in labour for three days and then having to have an emergency c-section, I can to the realisation that how they come out does not matter. As long as they are healthy.
Love and best wishes for Fox's arrival tomorrow.