
LAMB: A forty-five degree heat wave (the hottest on record) whilst almost 7 months pregnant and anaemic rendered me incapacitated today. You, on the other hand, appeared unfazed. While I lay on the bed looking and sounding like a beached whale, the fan on full blast, you jumped up and down and sung songs with your usual vigor and enthusiasm. I don’t know whether to put this down to your age or your Mediterranean heat-loving constitution (or both), but I found myself wishing I could somehow siphon off some of that energy for myself. Alas, this sort of vitality-stealing technology has yet to be invented. For now, at least, I shall have to content myself with buckets of iced water and iron tablets.

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  1. I remember a heatwave nearly three years ago, heavily pregnant with twins and an energetic toddler to deal with (and I was anaemic too). It was all I could do to draw the blinds and put my feet in a bucket of water. Glad the weather has finally cooled tonight x

  2. Yugh, I was anemic (that's how we spell it here) during the latter half of my pregnancy last winter and I was just wiped out. I can't imagine dealing with that during a heat wave! I hope you got one, or lots, of those popsicles too.

  3. Oh my, I can't imagine that right now, it's zero degrees F here! I hope you get to feeling better though, I thought I was hot dealing with 70 degree F heat when I was 7 months pregnant! She is just adorable (as usual)!

  4. I just love the vintage chintzy vibe of your pictures. All the objects and locations suit your daughter's angelic looks perfectly. Your words took me straight back to being pregnant in July in Turkey. Never ever again!! Hope you get more comfortable soon.

  5. Wow! We are twins – I am 32 weeks and anaemic too… and trying to entertain 7 & 5 year old boys right through the school holidays. I swear I've never felt this bad in my entire life and Sydney's hottest day did nothing to help this.

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