LAMB: Here you are lounging about at one of our favourite cafes. I have got to stop ordering you baby-chinos, you are becoming addicted to marshmallows. While other addicts are sitting around getting their caffeine hits you wait eagerly for your sugar hit. A few times I have requested a baby-chino without marshmallows. You should have seen the confused, indignant look on your face when the poor waitress brought it out to you. Once you lifted up the cup to see if they were hiding under there, you just couldn’t believe it.

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  1. Looks like a great café! We've only just introduced babychinos to our boy because he cracks it if we've got something to drink and he hasn't.

  2. Hi, nice to find you here 🙂

    Love this cafe – I could happily lounge there all day too!
    What a sweet girl you have there – & how exciting that there will soon be a sweet boy joining her 🙂

    Ashlee x

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