
LAMB: What a day! Ice creams, bubbles, 40 degree heat wave, building blocks, water balloons, Peppa Pig at the shopping mall and way too many photos – as usual. By the end of it all you had to be carried home, fast asleep on Daddy’s shoulder. You were so excited to see Peppa Pig, you had been waiting for it all week. Once the show had finished you looked up at me and said “more Peppa Pig?”. I explained that Peppa Pig had to go home for her nap to which you replied (half questioning, half demanding) “later?”.



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  1. Stunning pictures, I love, love that one of her playing in the bubbles! Looks like you guys had a wonderful day! Oh and little Lambs outfit is so cute!

  2. Imp and Squeak go into high pitch squeal mode when Peppa comes on the TV. Husband gets told "Naughty Daddy Pig" by Imp when he does not do something to her approval.

  3. Oh my, I think this is my favourite 2/52 photo I've clicked on today – beautiful!! Love the outfit and Peppa (my two girls are huge Peppa fans too) x

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