LAMB: By far the greatest joy in my life has been in watching your personality blossom over the past two and a half years. From a tiny newborn bundle there slowly emerged the eccentric, fiery, independent (yet shy at times) toddler that you are today. Undoubtedly one of my favourite things about you is that you are so accepting of others. You love to make new friends and play with other children yet I have not once witnessed you fight over a toy, reject a potential playmate or even get annoyed or frustrated with other children. If I could have chosen one personality trait for you this tolerant, compassionate nature of yours would have been it. I’m so, so proud of you.

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  1. A gorgeous homage to her – I was like that as a child but the one bit of advice my mother gave me was to also nurture the assertiveness in my children.

    There will come a time when she needs to use it, maybe not now, maybe not until school, but this is a valuable thing to also cultivate. I've had to work long and hard on it since my acceptance and tolerance of others was so revered in me, all my life – a trait that is often put on a pedestal for girls in particular. Yes to tolerance and compassion and yes to being able to express oneself when an injustice has been made. Only then can we deal with all that life throws our way 🙂

  2. I know what you mean, I was the same as a child. She will have to learn to be more assertive too but knowing her as I do I don't think she'll have any problems with that, she has a good balance of both already.

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