Twenty Sixteen

Twenty Sixteen. How to sum you up? If I had to pick just one word I think it would have to be ’emotional’. Yep, twenty sixteen had all the feels. My beautiful baby girl began her first year of school: cutting the metaphorical apron strings proved difficult for both of us (though, I suspect, more-so for me). But she did me proud. She did very well, academically speaking. But what I’m most proud of is her incredible empathy. She proved she is a genuinely kind, good-hearten person and that is all I could possibly hope for. She outshines any award or good grades, anything that can be superficially measured. She is a truly beautiful soul.
And little man? Oh, little man. This year he lost his beautiful, blonde baby curls and grew a mop of straight, ash brown hair in its place. He grew like a beanstalk and his personality blossomed. He became more ‘him’ everyday. More stubborn, more obstinate, more sensitive, more cheeky, more mischievous. Setting boundaries for him turned out to be infinitely more difficult than it was for his sister. He kept me on my toes, that’s for sure, but I loved every minute of it. Well, almost every minute.
This post originally contained over 200 photos, picked from the thousands taken this year. But I’ve narrowed it down to the ones that have extra special meaning for me. I also wanted to thank everyone that visits this little space of mine. I don’t always have time to reply to all the comments, but I read every one and I’m grateful that you’ve taken the time to write. It really means a lot to me. I’ll be back with a ‘Summer Adventures’ series over the holidays. Until then, I hope you all have a fantastic and safe Christmas surrounded by the ones you love the most.

Thank you for a year of inspiration and for sharing your incredible gift of capturing the essence of a moment.
Oh I just love when I can sneak some time away for myself and visit this little space of yours. I'm just getting caught up and it's such a treat. xo Happy New Year.
Thank you, Ashley. That reminds me, I have a Christmas card to send you. Hopefully you will receive it before next Christmas.