Busy, busy, busy (2015)

I’ve been so fortunate this year. So many brides, bubs and beautiful people. While I’ve restricted the amount of clients I’ve accepted this year (being a full-time mummy doesn’t give me much time for other things), every single person I’ve met has been so lovely and such a pleasure to work with. Seriously, I love my job, I really do.
I’ve also had the privilege of working with some of my favourite bloggers this year, including Jodi (Practicing Simplicity) and Ashley (The Stork and the Beanstalk), both of whom I consider to be my friends. I was interviewed by the lovely folk at Artifact Uprising about my 365 project  and by Life: Captured Inc about a special little keepsake of mine.  I wrote an article about dressing my children for Let the Kids and I was also a guest blogger over at Babiekins. My Instagram following grew beyond anything I had ever expected. I made it onto Clickin Mom’s ‘100 Photographers to Watch in 2015‘ list. And I had a huge proud mummy/photographer moment when I first saw my little Fox on the cover of a magazine. All in all, a very good year.
Here are a few of my favourite client captures from twenty fifteen. Also, if you are thinking of making a booking this year, shoot me an email –  baa@lamblovesfox.com.
2015 Clients
2015 Clients
2015 Client
2015 Clients
2015 Client
2015 Client
2015 Clients
2015 Client
2015 Clients
2015 Clients
2015 Client
2015 Client
2015 Client
2015 Clients
2015 Clients
2015 Client
2015 Client
2015 Clients
2015 Clients

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