303/365 Halloween

FOX: You were (understandably) wary of venturing down driveways and footpaths to approach complete strangers. However, you had absolutely no qualms about taking candy from them. You let down your guard just long enough to grab a handful of treats and shove them in your bag before making a hasty retreat. When we got back I told you that you could have a lolly before dinner. But I made a point of stressing that you could only have one. “OK, mummy” you said sweetly as you picked out a lolly-pop from your stash. Once every atom of sugar had been licked from the stick you looked up at me and asked/demanded, “More lolly?”. 

Halloween 2015
Halloween 2015
Halloween 2015
Halloween 2015
Halloween 2015
Halloween 2015
Halloween 2015
Halloween 2015
Halloween 2015
Halloween 2015

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