


I’m sitting at home feeling pretty shitty, waiting for the children to come back from Nanny’s house. I just finished watching The Talented Mr. Ripley for the first time (one from my movie bucket list). Suffice it to say, it didn’t cheer me up much. So I thought I’d distract myself by throwing together some photos from the past few weeks or so. I’ve been enjoying my photo-taking and blogging hiatus (I’ve swapped the camera for a paintbrush and crochet hook) but to be honest, I’m still taking photos practically every day anyway. Just not with the intensity that I usually do it. That’s how I am. All or nothing. If I’m going to do something I have to give it 110%, otherwise I may as well not do anything at all. Not only that, I expect myself to be perfect at whatever I do as well. Which is rather a tiring, vain and unrealistic way to live. But I’m working on it.

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  1. Your shots are continually gorgeous. I totally understand the perfectionist thing. I struggle with always wanting to be the best at something. It can really limit creativity for me sometimes, and that's the worst! Your work is always beautiful. Enjoy creating 🙂

  2. Your photos are an inspiration! And I'm just dying to know what camera and lens you mostly use – please share? 🙂
    I am also a photographer and use my Nikon D800 and Sigma 35mm ART lens mostly.
    Lots of love from Norway!
    Maria /

  3. Are you by any chance related to me;) Your words about giving everything a 110% & always expecting perfection from yourself are so recognizable. I struggle with this all the time, especially when it comes to creativity. Perfectionism is a real creativity killer, yet still I strive for it all the time. Isn’t that silly?

    I don’t know you & you don’t know me, but I have come to love your blog & the stories you tell. I guess this is both the strange & beautiful thing about blogging; you start to care for strangers halfway across the world, people you have never met and most likely never will meet.
    I love your photography; it’s inspiring, mesmerizing & original. I suppose it is hard to believe these words right now, but I hope you will rediscover the love you must feel for the pictures you take. Because deep inside of you, you must love taking all these amazing pictures, for I can see the love shining through each & every image.

  4. I never comment, I just admire your pictures in silence, but I just had to say this… That picture with Lamb and umbrella is just breathtakingly beautiful.

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