

LITTLE FOX: One day you will be too big to sleep on our shoulders. That will be a very, very sad day indeed.

LAMB: Our daily hair brushing mini-drama has forced us once again to the hairdressers. When the lady asked you what you wanted done with your hair you replied that you wanted it ‘like Nanny’s’. Because, in your world, it’s just a given that everyone knows what Nanny’s hair looks like. I explained that Nanny has a very short hairstyle but that I wasn’t so eager to have all your beautiful curls chopped off. So we compromised, a bit shorter and layered so that’s it’s easier to brush. Afterwards you wanted to find a hair accessory to compliment your new look. You opted for a pink princesses crown.

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  1. Haha, I have very similar hair and I imagine my poor mother had similar troubles! I have strong memories of mum tugging the hairbrush through my curls – OUCH! Luckily I've learnt to only do that now in the shower as I wash it!

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