

LAMB: My beautiful little sook. God I love you child but the past week or so you have been driving me crazy. Crazy. I’ve put it down to the fact that your cousin is visiting from out-of-state so you have been spending a lot of time at your YiaYia’s. Of course, you are always on your best behavior when you’re with your YiaYia. While I’m glad you are well behaved for her, it’s like you just store up all your naughtiness for us. Plus, when you get home you are always so exhausted from the days activities that the energy required to be pleasant and obliging simple isn’t there. Your Daddy said you’re just growing up and I need to give you room to do so. But how do I do that? I’m so used to you being my whole world and me being yours. How do I let that go? How do I even begin?

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