


LAMB: Your wanted to pick some flowers for daddy yesterday. I told you it wasn’t such a good idea on account of the not-so-friendly-looking bees hovering around the flower bush. You were undeterred, perhaps because you have never experienced the pain inflicted by the pointy end of a bee before. You refused to leave the park without a pretty bouquet for daddy. I gave in knowing that at least I might get some pretty photos. In fact, it’s amazing how much getting some nice photos influences my decisions. Should I really spend this much on a dress? Well, It would look super cute in photos. Should we really make the trek all the way to the park this afternoon? I know! I’ll bring my camera.

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  1. Oh my goodness, I do the same thing. I'm doing a 365 of my 2 girls, both in the same photo, doing something interesting and engaging with each other. Gosh some days are hard and I've been known to buy "props" in the hopes they will both be interested and do something magical.

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