10 on 10 April

UntitledMother & Daughter



The day before my thirtieth birthday a package arrived on my doorstep. I literally jumped up and down and squealed like a little girl. It was a box of Fujifilm FP-100c (instant film). A welcom-to-a-new-decade present I had ordered for myself. I thought it might soften the blow a bit. These are a few of my favourites, little snippets from our day. I love the unpredictable nature of the film, the way your never really know what you’re going to get.  I love the little ‘mistakes’ where the emulsion doesn’t spread evenly. I love the colours and the softness. Another box is currently on it’s way to my doorstep. I’m officially addicted.

Continue the 10-on-10 circle, next up is the lovely Breanna Peterson

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  1. It's sure fun following your photos. Such beauty. And I am inspired by this post! If I see a decent Polariod camera at thrift shops I'll get it hoping it will work. I bought pack film but found out the 210 I had didn't function. Tues I found a 140 and am hoping to convert the battery and test it! Curious if you converted the 220 or bought a replacement 3v battery? Are your other photos all from the Mamiya?

  2. Hi Becky! I converted my 220. Actually, I gave it to my brother to convert because I'm hopeless at that sort of thing (even though it seemed relatively straight forward). I've taken a few with my Mamiya but every so often I'll take one, wait patiently for it to develop and peal it apart only to find it's completely black – still can't figure that one out. The quality of images I get from the Mamiya are amazing and I prefer it to the Land camera. But it's not so good for convenience, having to lug it around and mount it on a tripod, and hard for moving subjects (and my subjects move around a LOT).

  3. Thanks! Yes, I think I'll enlist the help of my husband (while I CAN do it I'm sure that method will be faster). Curious about the instant on Mamiya – it will be interesting to see how that progresses (I have little experience with instant film). My original question was whether all your other images you post are from film and taken with the Mamiya?

  4. gosh these are good. I love the simplicity of your shots and the composition. Your adorable kids help too, but the photots themselves are so so good!

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