10 on 10 February

10 on 10 February
Yet another moody black and white series. And yes, I totally bought a curtain that I wasn’t all that fussed about just so I could take some photos. It’s not the most expensive (and totally useless) prop I’ve ever purchased either.

Continue on the 10 on 10 circle. Trust me, you will be inspired by these amazing photographers.
Next in line is the wonderful Elise Calabretta.

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  1. beautiful! the way you see things….it takes my breath away. truly stunning. I am so glad to have found you. this may sound strange but you gave me a breath of fresh air that I needed and sent me inspiration I so desperately prayed for. much love. beautiful babies as well. and a very talented momma.

  2. That is one awesome prop! I love this set of photos so much! Isn't it amazing how kids find the light! And I agree with DeAnna you are one of my favorites to follow too…I am so glad I was introduced to your work!

  3. ahh these are just beautiful! no one does shadow photos like you and you are making me want to put lace curtains on all my windows at home! xo

  4. Katherine, your use of light and shadow is out of this world good. Love what you can do with some lace curtains!

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