
"Look, mummy! Feo got a curl."

I tried so hard to limit myself to one portrait per child this week. I couldn’t do it. So instead I told myself I would pick my two favourites then create a separate post for alllllll the others. I’m always so embarrassed when I browse through the other links from Jodi’s blog and see all the sensible, two or three photo posts, only to return to my blog’s weekly photo thesis. I swear I do have a social life*
*If you count boring/terrifying the sales assistant at the local supermarket with what diseases my children have this week and what their poos look like a social life.

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  1. oh this gave me a giggle!! not only for the amazing and adorable expressions but because i am the WORST (recent post a case in point) for posting a hundred other images as well as my 'project 52' ones… and yes I also look in envy at the restraint of others who choose just one or two images – AND even caption with merely a word. how do they do it??? i will never know, lol!!!

  2. These portraits are just stunning. Completely stunning, actually. It helps of course that they are both beautiful, but you capture them brilliantly!
    Plus, your text underneath made me laugh 🙂 I feel ya on the photo thesis… I try SO hard to hold back, but I could easily post a few hundred every time..

  3. Gorgeous pictures. I had a look at your other post and I wouldnt have been able to choose either. I particularly loved the one of your son sitting on the bed and his sister jumping behind him. Awesome!

  4. I'm forever struggling to choose a favourite, and in fact did the exact same thing last week, chose one and posted all the rest anyway a few days later! But I don't blame you, these portraits are stunning!

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