
LAMB: We went on a train trip to the Museum of Contemporary Art today. But somehow you still wound up in front of a T.V (it doesn’t count if it’s art, right?). Unsurprisingly, you were fairly apathetic about many of the other exhibits but a wall of flipping rainbow-coloured cards held your attention for a record ten seconds. I smiled as I watched you stumble around the gallery then collapse on a soft leather seat in the middle of the room, as if the tedium was just too much to bear. It was like watching my own childhood play out before my eyes. I spent (what seemed like) my whole childhood being dragged around from gallery to gallery. I am grateful for the experience now of course, but at the time I distinctly remember it feeling a bit like torture.

It's difficult to compete with television. : ) What a cute moment, and what a gift to be exposed to art museums at such a young age.
It's difficult to compete with television. : ) What a cute moment, and what a gift to be exposed to art museums at such a young age.