324/365 { LAMB }


Likes: Anything pink, The Wiggles, bones and X-rays.

Dislikes: When your brother squeals, when your brother cries, when your brother pulls your hair.

Your favourite phrase at the moment: “Dis one taking a looooong tiiiime”

Daddy: (referring to your new sunglasses) They’re funky, lamb.
Lamb: Dis one not funky. Dis one sungarsess!

When you came home from a sleepover at Nanny’s house I asked you what you had for Dinner. “Porridge” you replied. “You had porridge for dinner?” I said doubtfully, “Then what did you have for breakfast?”. “Porridge” you replied. “So you had porridge for dinner and breakfast?”. “No” you said, looking slightly annoyed as if you couldn’t possibly have been any clearer, “Just porridge”.

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