
FOX: Oh my beautiful, beautiful boy, You just kill me when you sleep with your hands up like that. The last few months have been all about settling in and getting to know each other. One thing I’ve noticed is that you seem to be very fond by your big sister. Whenever she is around you stare at her adoringly and if she happens to glance your way your face lights up with big grins. Unfortunately, she is usually far too busy to pay you much attention. This might change, however, when you are old enough to steal her toys.

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  1. Wow! He gets more and more gorgeous. Jarvis also adores his big sister. I is so special when she takes time out to play with him, he just lights up. Let hope when he is a little older he will be more interesting to Lamb

  2. Love the way these wee babes sleep. Gorgeous shot. You've done it again! I have to take the time to applaud your effort in sticking with the daily series (and continually pushing out amazing photos!) that is something that takes some serious talent. Pssh, I struggle with even getting my weekly shots done on time! You are amazing! Gahhh 🙂

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