look what we found outside.
Dearest, tiniest FOX: I’m still waiting for you to test out your lungs.
In that regard you and your sister are like day and night, you are so
calm and placid (so far at least).  The midwife came today to give you
your heal prick test, I thought for sure that that would induce at least
a little noise. Instead, you gave a look of displeasure as if to say
‘must you?’ then promptly fell back asleep. I know there are those that claim to have had babies that don’t cry but I’ve always been slightly skeptical about their existence. To me, a ‘silent baby’ is nothing but an oxymoron.

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  1. Van was like that, initially, too. I took him for his 3 month shots and he didn't even cry… like at all. He found his lungs at some point and, like you, I believe a 'silent baby' to be an oxymoron. Lovely photo. I love the one of him on the grass, beautifully composed as always.

  2. Oh this is wonderful news! What a beautiful bubba. I think he's so quiet because sometimes they are content to believe that outside the womb is just as peaceful as inside. x

  3. Congratulations to you and your family, I must admit I have been watching your page to see when your little fox would arrive. He is beautiful and it looks like your little lamb is in awe of him. We had a silent babe for the first few days and now we she talks under water! Big love to your family. x x

  4. isn't it just amazing. the joy of new life, of newfound love in your family, of siblings discovering each other. We are doing that all over at Poppyfox with Miss 3 and my little Tully. Such beautiful photos. x

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