LAMB: You had you first ballet lesson today. I had avoided telling you about it all week, at your age you find the concept of ‘in an hour’ or ‘tomorrow’ difficult enough to fathom let alone ‘next Saturday’. I knew from previous experience that as soon as I told you about it I would hear of nothing else until the actual lesson had commenced. I chose my timing (an hour before the lesson) carefully. On the way to the class we stopped at the shops to buy some new ballet shoes, I have never seen you so excited before, you demanded to wear them straight away. You were a little nervous at the beginning of the class but you soon warmed up. You listened to the teacher attentively and copied all her instructions as best you could. I only wish that sometimes you would be so attentive and obedient with me. In fact Anytime would be appreciated.

Oh so sweet! Love her little ballet outfit. I have been looking for a class for my girls too.
I usually try to avoid the gender stereotypes thing but how could you not want to take your little girl to ballet lessons, it's just to darn cute! Plus she had so much fun.
Gorgeous! My eldest is keen to start ballet too but she's quite shy and I'm not sure if she'll actually partake!
Oh so sweet! She looks so darling too!
Little cutie
<3 Love! I hope she enjoys her new class!!