LAMB: Try as I may I can’t seem to see any of myself in you. Occasionally I catch glimpses of your father, especially when you frown, and if you stand next to your YiaYia it’s almost like looking at identical twins (albeit two generations apart). I know there must be a resemblance there. Some people say you have my smile, your father thinks you have my stubborn nature and my mother always tells me you have my petite features. The problem is whenever I look at you I can’t seem to see anyone except, well, you. You are so beautifully unique in every way and I wouldn’t change that for the world.

Love that second photo x
Oh wow I adore the second one. The pastel tones are so lovely! I feel the same about my four I cant see any of me in them.
beautiful! It's hard to see yourself in your children isn't it. I get told Wilf is like me but all I see is his daddy 🙂 x
Mmmm… Looking out to sea, such a glorious place. Her hair, the curls and the muted colours. Beautiful shots.
Absolutely adore that second shot.
Love the first one. Just beautiful.
I just love those chubba chub dimples on the back of her arms. Very beautiful pictures!
Both pics are great & last is just amazing. Look at that spirit!!
Such lovely light and soft colours. She looks very happy! x
These pictures are stunning, everything about them! xo
You are a wonderful mom!!!!