LAMB: In eight short weeks our worlds are going to change. You are so, so excited about becoming a big sister. Whenever you see my huge, basketball-shaped naked belly you squeal “Baby Fofo (Theo)!” and run up to give him kisses. However, the reality of having a baby brother might come as a bit of shock to you. I worry about how you will adjust to your new role. I want to make sure that you still feel special, that you know you are (and always will be) loved far more than you could possibly fathom.

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  1. Oh i wonder this. I am not pregnant and not planning on number 2 yet but how will precious number 1 handle it? And how on earth do you have even more love to share than is already here?! So many questions. Best of luck and gorgeous photo

  2. It must be a hard concept for a little mind to get around. The fact that there is a baby in your belly that is going to 'pop' out one day! Your little one is beautiful and I'm sure she will be a perfect big sister. Melinda x

  3. Oh I see myself in this position sometime in the next couple of years. I think about this even now because I adore the pants off my daughter. I'm sure it will be wonderful and all these worries will be put to bed 🙂

    I love the shadow play in this photo 🙂

  4. Ive been looking through your photos, I love your style. I started the 52 week project late, but so glad I did join in! I am loving finding all of these new photography blogs and seeing gorgeous photos.

  5. sweetness. i remember too, the worry i felt for my older boy becoming a sibling and what they say is true – that love just gets bigger.

  6. Lovely light + shadow!
    Isn't it just kind of mind blowing to conceptualise how the arrival of a new baby changes the life of our first baby? Like, how do they even wrap their brains around that kind of change??!
    It sounds like she'll make a great big sister, though!

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