July 2020

I genuinely love it when I reach the end of the month and I remember I get to come here and make one of these monthly posts. Even if no one ever visits here to see them anymore. In fact, I kind of like that. It means that it can be what I have always intended it to be, a love letter to my children. In a age of Instagram and TicToc where everything feels a bit like a game or some sort of marketing strategy. Where everything is so ‘on trend’ and captions are so very insincerely sincere. Where you are suspicious of anyone’s attempts to be genuine or authentic. I love this quiet, peaceful space. Outdated as it may be.
So these are for you, Lamb, Fox and Bear. My sun, my moon and all my stars. I hope that they covey even just an ounce of the love and adoration I have for you.

I love that you still post here…..
I still visit here often. I am always inspired by your photographs and your children are so lucky to gave this gorgeous collection of memories. Your words just made me a bit teary too x