
FOX: Sometimes, when I hold you close, I squeeze you and say “My boy”. Then you squeeze me back and say “My boy”. And I giggle, and you giggle along with me, as though you get the joke.



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  1. OKay- so I kinda lost track of you. I used to follow you on your other knit and crochet blog. What was it called? Crochetlatte. I think.

    Anyway- just found you again and couldn't mistake those beautiful children of yours! I have spent WAY TOO LONG catching up on your blog but I have discovered something interesting about myself. You dress your children in the very epitome of MY STYLE. So, a question…

    Do you make a lot of your kids' clothes or do you buy them? I crochet and knit- though SLOOOOWLLLYYYY with the latter and just have to know. Of course, adorable clothing aside- the gorgeous eyes and incredible hair are unique to your kids no matter what they wear. 😉

    Also- if you don't mind…what sort of filter/editing program do you use for many of your photographs? They have such an ethereal, warm feel to them. Just love it!

    Glad I found you again!

  2. I don't make their clothes, unfortunately. I just don't have the time. I've had a lot of people ask me where I get their clothes from so I'm thinking of adding a regular post about my favourite hand-made or independent brands. Though, I don't know how to do that without it looking too add-like.

    As from filters, I use VSCO Film for ACR 🙂

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