
Early Thursday morning we dropped Lamb off at YiaYia and Papou’s house
and headed off to one of our favourite places, a small historic
town north of Newcastle. I used my thirtieth birthday as a excuse to get away for a night, the first time since Lamb was born. We had lunch, checked in to our cottage and went for a walk through cobbled streets and green fields before the thunder clouds forced us to retreat. Even though our budget was modest, our desires were too. I didn’t need or want any extravagant presents or huge celebration. Just to escape, just for a day, to be alone with my husband and our little tag-along was bliss. That evening we sat and watched the sun set as we ate dinner. I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about entering a new decade, I thought that I might feel some trepidations about it. But as I sat there and watched the sun going down I felt an overwhelming sense of peace. Filled with gratitude for the time I’ve been lucky enough to spend on this earth and for the people with whom I’ve shared it with. 

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