Almost One
FOX: On Wednesday you will be one, little man. I feel quite differently about your first birthday than I did with your sister’s. Back then I was filled with excitement, I was busy planing a party and patting myself on the back for getting through the first year. After all, everyone always told me the first year would be the hardest (cough, cough). But that was almost four years ago and with hindsight I can now appreciate how fleeting and precious that time was. We will not be throwing an extravagant party, my excitement for planning social gatherings involving children and copious amounts of sugar has dwindled somewhat. It will be a small, intimate affair with the people who matter most. You are not going to remember this day, but I will. In fact, you will not remember a single day from this past year but I will remember it all. This first year is mine to keep. And I’m sorry to see it go.
Your photos take my breath away, always. I hope I can capture my own children so beautifully some day. Happy birthday to you little guy!
Wow, what amazing photos.
Happy birthday to your little man!
Ronnie xo
Those last two lines made me tear up a little bit.